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Weee Entertainment Carnival
Front Lawn / Heritage Hall$30 bracelet, $4 per ticket Start of rides 6pm.
Fair Kitchen Wrap up Day
Community Building / Heritage HallFair Exhibits Release
Fair Exhibits will be released on Tuesday, September 5th from 3pm to 6pm. If not picked during these times exhibits can be picked up during the Payne County Expo Center…
4-H Horse Club Meeting
Community BuildingPayne County 4-H Archery
Northwest FieldFall Into the Holidays Craft Show
Expo Hall / Heritage HallContact: Teri Aldridge Telephone: ( 580 ) 455 - 2273
Cross Brand Cowboy Church
Sales ColiseumMorning Worship Service
Heritage 4-H Meeting
Community BuildingPC Livestock 4-H Meeting
Community BuildingPistol Pete Classic
McVey Arena / Liv. Pavilion / Livestock Barns / Wash Bay / Community Bldg.HOLD
Farm Bureau
Community BuildingCunningham Peaches
West Parking LotPeaches & Pears Contact: Jennifer Telephone: ( 970 ) 234 - 2992